Unit 3: Reading- "The First Lisbon or 'Dürer Rhinoceros of 1515"

I prefer Dürer's woodcut because of how much character it has in it. It is a more stylized piece with exaggerated armor looking features and detailed scales on the rhinoceros. Even though a rhino does not look exactly like his woodcut there is a reference of a one horned rhino, and I can see it. It is his interpretation and that is why I like it because it looks different and has more character to it. I find it to be more interesting than Burgkmair's naturalistic version. 

Francesco Granacci's version of the rhinoceros is the one I found the most amusing. It is obvious he has influence from Giovanni Penni's with the low scooping U shaped head and the shape of the body. But Granacci's version was a more realistic version of an illustrative rendering of the rhino so it looks strange all together. I found Dürer's unrealistic but metaphorical because of its armor. But Granacci's looks like it is wearing an iron skirt with little legs underneath like an armadillo and a low skinny vacuum head. Not to forget the animals scales translated to polka dots all over its body in this piece.


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