Unit 4: Poem/Prose
Cars pass every 7 minutes or so. Wind is constant, but like breathing with little coughs of fervent breeze. Lights reflect upon everything like energy gliding upon us all. Jumping, flashing, glowing; out of lamps, stop lights, torches, advertisements, candles, tree lights, and store windows. Over here, look at me! Glaring from my lover's eyes. his love is humming. Like the sound of the lights. Rain starts to trickle. Take cover, closer to consumerism. It's all over the place, so don't look. Reflections, reflecting, both them and me. I don't mind being wet I love what pours down A cop flirts with a girl. Green light towers over her but I am not envious. My companion is here. That street by the pub, I cannot see. The unknown is itching at me. I can't see, but the only rowdy people go that way. Birthday crowds, and pairs of girls giggl...