Creative Impulse: In-Depth Piece
I focused on adding detail of the face, but I didn't want to make it look like an actual human yet. I got my inspiration from a plaster bust my mother did in high school. I also added the history of the Olmec heads I later looked up while researching. Simple features that demonstrated so much, but I wanted to work with the opposite of a hard stone. I have been sewing since I was little and really enjoy it, so I thought could put my skills to work while making fabric heads. I didn't want them to look like puppets so I focused on the simplicity of a head as a whole. I was focused on a slow process of growth from the first head to the continuing pieces. I spent most of my time on quality of the sewing, symmetry and underlying shapes. The green and red shapes are used to represent the different shades we have underlying our skin causing different tones on our face. But once again I still wanted it to look more like a representation of a head, not a model. The process behind the heads is quite due to the flat surface of a 2-dimensional fabric. I use a sewing machine for the base pieces and the rest is mostly hand sewn. I enjoy the challenge of figuring out how to keep adding on to them. I plan to continue with this concentration of heads and hopefully go deeper into the size and depth of detail on them; unfolding the development of my heads.
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